So I'll live.

Sometimes it feels like my world is falling apart and will collapse on me, crushing me with every breath I leave. So I try holding my breath hoping to hold onto life for a little longer.

The world is already coming down. 

Why don't I just give up the control knowing that giving up control does not necessarily mean I lose but, be free. Not of life but the responsibilities that life burdened me with. 

I know I would still live on even after I die. My remains would still be there because somebody's new world would flourish on the ashes of mine. 

So I'll live

In the fragrance of a flower
In a leaf's pale color
In the whispers of breeze
In a baby's sneeze

I'll live 

In a grain of sand
In a farmer's rough hand
Under a little dog's paw
Who's digging with awe 

I'll live. 

In the laughter of a child
In the tears of a bride
In an athlete's smile
Who just ran a mile 

I'll live. 

In an army man's gun.
In the baker's fresh bun.
In a comedian's lame pun.
In a clown having fun. 

I'll live. 

In somebody's first kiss and the last.
In the present and the past.
In the books and the art.
In now and then.
In paper and pen.

I'll live. 
Forever and never.
I'll live.


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